Please find below recordings from the well-attended EBO Diploma Preparation Workshop, kindly hosted by the DOG in the Estrel Conference Centre, September 28th.
In this novel session, EBO invited key opinion leaders to present on key topics from the EBOD examination. They also presented interactive MCQs and Cases to help delegates understand the type of questions presented by the exam.
Topic A1 Optics & Refraction
Oliver Ehrt, Munich Anisometropia and Aniseiconia
EBO – Anna Maino, Manchester MCQs and VV
Topic A2 Pediatric and Strabismus
Helena Buch Hesgaard, Copenhagen Evidence based amblyopia treatment
EBO, Huban Atilla, Ankara MCQs and VV
Topic B1 Cornea & External Diseases
Harminder Dua, Nottingham Bacterial keratitis: an approach to diagnosis and management
EBO – Tristan Bourcier, Strasbourg MCQs and VV
Topic B2 Orbit and Adnexa
Christoph Hintschich, Munich Orbit – Essentials
EBO – Renata Ivekovic, Zagreb MCQs and VV
Topic C2 Cataract Refractive
Thomas Kohnen, Frankfurt Modern Cataract Surgery: Diagnostics, IOLs and Surgery
EBO Sorcha Ní Dhubhghaill, Antwerp MCQs and VV
Topic C1 Glaucoma
Barbara Teuchner, Innsbruck Optic disc imaging in glaucoma
EBO – Barbara Cvnekel, Ljubljana MCQs and VV
Topic D2 Uveitis
Uwe Pleyer, Berlin White dot syndromes –a “template” for intraocular inflammation?
EBO – Marcin Stopa, Poznan MCQs and VV
Topic D1 Retina
Heinrich Heimann, Liverpool Ocular oncology – most common differential diagnosis and treatment
EBO – Siegfried Priglinger, Munich MCQs and VV
Insider Tips
Tristan Bourcier, Strasbourg EBOD online exam: a tutorial
Brendan Strong, Dublin Insane (but true) ways to fail the EBOD exam
Anna Maino, Manchester How to slay MCQs
Tristan Bourcier
(Presentation and honoring of the FEBO winners of the previous year)
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