Peter Eustace Medal was established by unanimous decision of General Assembly of the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) in Tallinn on 20th June 2010 as a token of appreciation of the efforts of Peter Eustace from Ireland who established the first EBO diploma examination in Milan in 1995.
Peter Eustace Medal is given to an ophthalmologist who has devoted long term and exceptional efforts towards upgrading education in ophthalmology in Europe.
The initial call for nominations will be issued by the Executive Board of the EBO each year general assembly. Nominations are expected from EBO national delegations of the member and associate states and sent in writing.
EBO board will appoint 7 member commission with 4 years mandate to evaluate the nominations. The commission would be chaired by the secretary general of the EBO and would consist of 3 additional members from the EBO and of one member of the board of the 3 main European educational organisations: SOE, EUPO and EVER, preferably secretary generals. The commission will select 2 candidates by electronic secret ballot and forward the names to the EBO executive board.
Selection of the recipient of the Peter Eustace Medal is done by secret ballot between the two proposed candidates, either at the EBO general assembly or by electronic secret ballot of the member and associate member states (1 vote per country). In the case of draw, voting is repeated, in third case of draw, president will have a casting vote.
The recipient is informed about the selection after the voting has become final. The Medal is given at the EBO Diploma final ceremony or at the one of the major European congresses organised by one of the societies involved in the selection process.
The recipient is expected to give a short address on the topic of education. No financial award is given with the medal, however the travel of attending the award ceremony will be fully covered by the EBO.
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