Entry requirements for Candidates to sit the Examination

These requirements must be satisfied at the time of application to sit the examination:

1. Candidates must have passed the Basic EBO exam or equivalent (e.g. FRCOphth.).

Equivalence shall be determined by the Examination Board. Any candidate wishing to have a qualification other than the EBO diploma considered should approach the Joint Examination Board well before the closing date for applications.

2. Candidates must have successfully completed one year of full-time subspecialty fellowship training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology to ICO standards or equivalent.

Equivalence shall be determined by the Joint Examination Board. Guidance can be found here. Any candidate wishing to have experience other than in an ICO recognized Fellowship considered should approach the Joint Examination Board well before the closing date for applications. Part-time experience will be considered on a pro rata basis.

3. Candidates should be a certified Specialist in Ophthalmology in a member country of UEMS.

To confirm your country is a member of UEMS please click here.

4. Candidates must provide evidence of surgical experience in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology

All candidates must have successfully completed 60 surgical procedures as primary surgeon.

For candidates primarily interested in Strabismus at least 50 of these should be strabismus procedures, including horizontal rectus surgery, vertical rectus surgery, oblique muscle surgery. A maximum of ten of these procedures in total may be minor procedures such as Botulinum toxin injections, lacrimal probings or incision of cysts. What constitutes a minor procedure will be determined by the Examination Board.

For candidates primarily interested in Paediatric Ophthalmology, at least 30 of these should be strabismus procedures and a minimum of 10 paediatric, non-strabismus procedures of at least three different types.
A maximum of ten of these procedures in total may be minor procedures such as intraocular injections, lacrimal probings or incision of cysts. What constitutes a minor procedure will be determined by the Examination Board.

A record of the prerequisite surgical procedures and experience must be certified by Surgical Log and submitted in English. This must be signed and validated by the Fellowship Director or person of equivalent standing who satisfies the criteria to be an ICO Fellowship director.

For each surgical procedure the record must include:

· Procedure performed; including one or both eye(s)

· Date the procedure was performed

· Date of birth of patient

The log must not include the patient’s name or address

For audit purposes, the Joint Examination Board reserves the right to inspect a copy of the original record of any surgical procedure, with the patient’s name and address removed.

Please email ebo@ebo-online.org with any queries.

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