The European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) was founded in 1992 in London. It is a permanent working group of the Ophthalmology Subspecialty Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).
The Board has specifically been given the task of overseeing the standards of education in ophthalmology in Europe (UEMS Countries) with the goal of harmonizing knowledge and training by four means: the EBO exam, accreditation of centres , CME control and Grants.
The National Delegates of the Board include clinicians and academicians with specific ophthalmological skills, expertise and a broad geographic distribution. Two delegates are nominated from each country of the European Union, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, by the National Ophthalmological Societies. One delegate represents academic ophthalmology and one represents the professional practitioners. The delegates are chosen for a four year term. One additional four-year term is permitted.
Siegfried Priglinger, MD, PhD
EBO President
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